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Keep Your Lemonade Tasty With Better Quality Water

It’s likely that everyone has seen a road-side lemonade stand at least once in their life. Young entrepreneurs sit patiently behind their booth with pitchers of ice-cold lemonade and solo cups waiting for customers to stop by. Long, hot days with no school and no homework require both the thirst-quenching taste of fresh, icy lemonade and a way to keep busy.

Of course, you need lemons to make lemonade, but an even more crucial part is the water that goes into it. But, you turn up your glass waiting for that smooth, fresh taste and come away with a mouthful of grimy or moldy tasting lemonade.

You got a few ingredients you don’t want! To make sure your water stays fresh and your lemonade stays tasty this summer, you should know about hard water, whole house water filters, and UV water filters.

What Is Hard Water?

hardwaterIt’s likely something you’ve never thought about before, but the water in your home is more than just simply water. Most of the time, water contains minerals like magnesium and calcium.

Although a little bit is normal, too much is what’s considered hard water, and it can do serious damage to the plumbing inside your home as well as your hair and skin.

Soap scum, mold, and scaling are often signs of hard water damage. Water softeners remove the minerals in your water so you avoid the scaly buildup that can occur on nearly everything! Water softeners work through the process of ion exchange.

Magnesium and calcium are attracted to tiny crystals of an inorganic mineral called zeolite or ion-exchange resin beads in a tank. The zeolite or resin beads start by holding on to the sodium in the water.

Because the hard minerals have a higher positive charge than sodium, they’re pulled to the ion-exchange media and replace sodium. So water passes through with a small amount of sodium and none of the damaging hard minerals.

What Filtration System Is Right for Your Home?

wholehousewaterfilterWhether your water comes from a well or your home runs on city water, there are filters that can help get rid of the harsh chemicals that are damaging to your home and your health.

A whole house water filter is a point of entry for the water coming into your house and not just the kitchen faucet. The filter prevents contaminated water from entering your home whether it be for bathing, drinking, washing dishes, or anything else.

Whole house water filters work in four steps. First, a pre-filter sorts out large particulates that could clog up the actual filter. Next, any chlorine in the water is removed. This helps to improve the look and the taste of your water. In particular systems, the water may go through an extra step of filtering through activated charcoal. Lastly, any waste or remaining contaminants in the water will be flushed away.

What About UV Water Filters?

uvwaterfiltersUV water filters are another good option to eliminate contaminants in your water. UV light uses special wavelengths of light to disrupt the DNA of microorganisms.

When water passes through the light, it eliminates the microorganisms ability to reproduce. Because it impacts functional and reproductive ability, it’s incapable of contaminating other organisms it comes in contact with.

UV water filters eliminate 99.99% of microorganisms chemical-free, meaning your water is completely safe from any contaminants or harmful chemicals. Regardless of what filtration method you choose, it’s important to have something in your home. Whether it’s some bad tasting lemonade or some plumbing repair concerns, a water filtration system can make life much better!

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